Transport packaging for Hydrotower
Our custom-designed moulded packaging parts allow the large product to be protected for transport and packaged quickly using a minimum amount of material. The use of additional packaging material can be completely eliminated thanks to the precise fit of the moulded parts.
Requirements and customer needs
The HydroTower is a vertical plant tower for the home that can grow up to 18 plants – herbs, lettuce and many types of vegetables – on top of each other. The relatively large product needed to be packaged safely, quickly and intuitively. At the same time, the packaging solution had to be as minimalist as possible and focus on the essentials, protecting the product with as little packaging material as possible. In short, focus on the essentials for optimum product protection. Consumers should be able to unpack the product intuitively and not be overwhelmed by mountains of packaging.
Packaging development

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Produktgewicht: ca. 1,5 kg
Produktmaße: 40x30x180 cm
In several coordination loops, we developed an ingenious packaging solution that securely fits the large product with four uniform, maximally reduced moulded parts in an elongated transport box that is as small as possible. Thanks to this ingenious design, we only needed a single mould for all negative moulds in production. The result is a very secure, reduced and easy-to-handle packaging solution for shipping that is both affordable and aesthetically pleasing. The customers are happy. And so are we.
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The perfect solution for suitable and secure packaging for our exceptionally long product in small quantities.
Alex Schirrmeister Co-Founder | product developmentCustomers are surprised and curious.