About us
Our motivated founding team consists of long-time friends Nils Bachmann, Sophia Scherer, Lisa Antonie Scherer and Henning Tschunt and combines different professional backgrounds, experience and expertise. We are united by the conviction that business has a serving function within society. Together we pursue the mission of establishing ecologically and economically sensible packaging solutions. We are united in our desire to make a proactive contribution to preserving the natural foundations of life – the prerequisites for our economic activity. This is why our name PROSERVATION is a neologism that alludes to our basic motivation by combining the English terms ‘preservation’ and ‘pro’ (for; advantage; but also: professional/proactive).
Since its foundation in November 2022, the PROSERVATION team has grown to seven employees. We want to continue to offer young talents a meaningful workplace with fair conditions.

Our mission statement & values
Our vision is a world in which all packaging is ecologically sound. We are united by the conviction that business has a serving function within society.
We fundamentally reject growth as an end in itself. By focusing on regional value creation, we bypass global competition in terms of time, cost and quality. Instead, we think in terms of local cooperation and look for genuine synergies for the environment and society.
Packaging with reason
PROSERVATION’s mission is to establish ecologically and economically sound packaging solutions. We want to identify opportunities for change and combine the protection of packaged goods with the protection of our natural livelihoods. That is why, from the very beginning, we attach particular importance to ensuring that the change in business we want to stand for follows a coherent and consistent set of values.
Our ideals
That is why we have agreed on five ideals that we prioritize in our business activities and in our dealings with our stakeholders and our natural environment.
Freshness & Creativity
Freshness & Creativity
Impact orientation
Impact orientation
Our team

Creative mind
Inventor of the material and responsible for material and innovation development and design.

Creative mind
Our creative mind Lisa already did the pioneering work for the development of our upholstery material three years ago as part of her studies (Packaging Development Management) at the HdM. Since then, she has been incessantly busy developing the material further and constantly creating new links and connections. The industrial designer bubbles over with creativity every day and attaches great importance to sustainable and functional product development that is aesthetically convincing.

Analytical mind
Is responsible for finance, business development and the interfaces to the required IT infrastructure.

Analytical mind
As a business informatics graduate, Nils has a soft spot for numbers, data and an always analytical approach. With his hands-on mentality, he's not afraid to tackle any task - he'll lend a hand wherever help is needed. At the same time, his pronounced social skills and grounded charisma ensure the necessary calm and harmony in the team in a level-headed manner - especially in challenging situations.

Strategic mind
Our managing director and responsible for the strategic direction, corporate philosophy and communication.

Strategic mind
Henning has been intensively involved with issues of social and corporate responsibility in the context of unsustainable business since his school days. His holistic, interdisciplinary approach, his powers of persuasion and his gift for languages allow the skilled networker to communicate purposefully with stakeholders and to put our ideas, goals and concerns into the right words and to grasp them strategically.

Organisational mind
Responsible for project management, marketing as well as further development of the production process.

Organisational mind
Our organisational talent Sophia always manages to prioritize sensibly even in demanding phases and always keeps track of numerous projects. As a reliable project manager, packaging developer and consultant, she is always available to our customers with heart, advice and action. She coordinates and steers our projects with great care even in the most turbulent waters. Not only in our team she is highly appreciated due to her open, sociable nature, her unconventional ideas and her always enthusiastic nature.

Technical Mind
As a mechatronics engineer and industrial engineer (M. Sc.), Alex is responsible for scaling our production plant.

Technical Mind

Conceptual mind
Anniki (packaging engineer and transformation designer) translates customer requirements into packaging concepts.

Conceptual mind
Anniki has not only been a friend of ours since her studies, but also supported us intensively during her master's thesis in the field of transformation design. Her focus was on researching the transformational potential of unconventional ownership and financing structures. As a structured project manager, Anniki will play a key role in supporting and initiating client projects with empathy. Her sharp, refined and unconventional perspective as well as her infectiously easy-going manner will play a decisive role in driving our further organisational development.

Working student production
Lennard (student packaging technology) works for us as a working student in production.

Working student production

Working student backoffice
Judith supports us as a working student in sales and supply chain management.

Working student backoffice
Judith is studying sustainable corporate management at the University for Sustainable Development (HNE) and supports us as a working student in developing our supplier strategy, in procurement and relieves us of day-to-day tasks in the area of business development. With her always fresh, open and inquisitive nature, she wins over even the most stubborn dialogue partners in favour of herself and our concerns.

Benjamin Harm
Working student production
Benjamin (student packaging technology) works for us as a working student in production & packaging development.

Benjamin Harm
Working student production
Yassir ist internationaler Masterstudent des Studiengangs Bioökonomie in Hohenheim und bringt als Werkstudent seinen akademischen Hintergrund in den Lebenswissenschaften, seine Leidenschaft für Nachhaltigkeit sowie seine starken analytischen und computergestützten Fähigkeiten sinnstiftend bei PROSERVATION ein. Er arbeitete schon als Forschungsassistent im Bereich der industriellen Biotechnologie und bereichert unseren Arbeitsalltag durch seine große Vielseitigkeit, Flexibilität und Eigenständigkeit.

Jannik Jansky
Working student production
Jannik (student packaging technology) works for us as a working student in production & packaging development.

Jannik Jansky
Working student production
Yassir ist internationaler Masterstudent des Studiengangs Bioökonomie in Hohenheim und bringt als Werkstudent seinen akademischen Hintergrund in den Lebenswissenschaften, seine Leidenschaft für Nachhaltigkeit sowie seine starken analytischen und computergestützten Fähigkeiten sinnstiftend bei PROSERVATION ein. Er arbeitete schon als Forschungsassistent im Bereich der industriellen Biotechnologie und bereichert unseren Arbeitsalltag durch seine große Vielseitigkeit, Flexibilität und Eigenständigkeit.

Leitung Produktion
Laurin verantwortet die operativen Produktionsprozesse und hilft bei der technischen Optimierung.

Leitung Produktion

Technischer Kopf
Moritz ist studierter Verfahrenstechniker und verantwortet die Skalierung unserer Produktionsanlage.

Technischer Kopf
Als bald promovierter und gelernter Ingenieur, der im Bereich der chemisch-biologischen Verfahrenstechnik spezialisiert ist, ergänzt Moritz unser Team als technischer Kopf in ausgezeichneter Weise. Die Weiterentwicklung und industrielle Skalierung unserer Produktionsanlage ist bei ihm in fähigen Händen, da ihn seine Begeisterung für Umweltschutztechnik, seine bisherigen Erfahrungen, seine praktische Veranlagung und sein genaues Vorgehen für die kommenden Herausforderungen prädestinieren. Bei uns gilt seine Stimme gleich gewichtig und wir sind überaus glücklich, ihn für unseren Ansatz begeistert zu haben!
We are aware that a change in economic activity in favor of a future worth living is only possible with united forces. Since the pre-founding phase, we have been active in various value-related initiatives and have built up an extensive, cooperative network. Not facing the coming challenges alone gives us a sense of security. We are grateful and welcome any help, because we know that different perspectives will improve the quality of our strategic decisions.

Our Journey - The PROSERVATION Newsletter
You will receive all information on the current project status in our newsletter ‘Our Journey’. Sign up today and don’t miss any more news –>